
Showing posts from June, 2018

Nine non-fiction books you just have to read...

1. WTF   Robert Preston's readable account of Brexit and the future. Head in hands time I'm afraid. 2. This is going to Hurt Good old laugh out loud war stories of a junior doctor. Avoid if you might give birth in the future. 3. Chance Witness Matthew Parris' life story - beautifully told. Behind the scenes in Parliament (leaves you wondering why bother with the place) and his journalistic career. 4 Live from Downing Street / Election Notebook Nick Robinson is a fabulous writer and both these books are gripping. The first is a more historical overview of politics and the media.The second is his account of the 2015 election and his recovery from cancer. 5. The Course of Love Still disappointed that romance is an illusion? Still deluded that romance exists? Read this by Alain de Botton and you'll be furious we ...