The Black Death The Intimate story of a village by John Hatcher

Yes you should read this one - you probably need a bit of interest in history though. It is sort of docudrama. He's a Professor of History and in each chapter he does the first bit like the straight history, then goes on to the characters he has created and what they're thinking and feeling. Gives it a bit of colour and helps me understand it.

The bit when they knew the plague was coming and went praying and doing pilgrimages was intense. Also they refused to meet any other people at all when the plague was at its worst - apart from going to Mass. God caused the plague - surely he wouldn't let you catch it at mass. Then afterwards with no one to do the farming and all the dead animals around....didn't think of that one. The amount of work they had to do for the lord of the manor was insane.

Stuff like that I thought was really interesting.


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